Anti-Satellite Satellite 反卫星卫星
broadcast satellite technique 广播卫星技术
satellite inspection 卫星检验
satellite inspection network 卫星检验网络
food microbiology inspection technique 食品微生物检验技术
inspection technique 检测技术; 查证技术; 鉴定技术; 检查技术
multizone focused inspection technique 多区聚焦检测技术
non-destructive inspection technique 非破损检测技术
phased array inspection technique 相控阵检测技术
ratio inspection technique 比值法
root inspection technique 根值法
technique inspection 技术侦查
High-Low Satellite-to-Satellite tracking 高低卫卫跟踪
Low-low satellite to satellite tracking mode 低低跟踪模式
Low-Low Satellite-to-Satellite Tracking 低低卫卫跟踪
Satellite to satellite 卫-卫跟踪
satellite to satellite communication 卫星对卫星通信
satellite to satellite data transfer 卫星对卫星数据传送
satellite to satellite link 卫星对卫星链接